Empowering Filipino Entrepreneurs for Digital Success: Grow Digital ASEAN Philippines Pilot Workshop

On November 27, 2023, Grow Digital ASEAN kicked off in the Philippines, with the goal of training up to 4,000 local businesses and entrepreneurs across diverse sectors on how to expand their business online. Hosted by University of Perpetual Help System Dalta - Molino Campus in Bacoor City, Cavite, the pilot workshop featured engaging discussions and hands-on exercises on using digital tools in business operations, marketing, and finance.

The diversity of the participating businesses highlighted the inclusive nature of the initiative, with representatives from micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) across various industries including food, retail, logistics, apparel printing, and customer servicing among others. Tailored to the participants’ unique needs, the workshop facilitated an engaging exchange of digital best practices and emerging trends in online business in the Philippines. The participants also had an opportunity to work with mentors to develop their respective business plans which maximize growth in the digital economy in the country and the regional Southeast Asia market.

The next workshops are scheduled in the first half of 2024 and will provide training and mentoring support to up to 4,000 small business owners with a special focus on women entrepreneurs.

A Diverse Representation of Filipino Businesses

The Grow Digital ASEAN pilot workshop in Cavite truly embodied the initiative's inclusive nature, bringing together a diverse array of businesses:

  • Ostreum Gourmet – a grocery wholesaler/retailer
  • A logistics company
  • An apparel printing business
  • A call center operator
  • Several food kiosk owners

This diversity underscored the far-reaching potential of the Grow Digital initiative, demonstrating its ability to cater to the unique needs and aspirations of a wide spectrum of Filipino entrepreneurs.

Emerging with Tangible Tools for Success
At the conclusion of the workshop, these businesses did not merely leave with theoretical knowledge. They departed armed with tangible 30-60-90 SMART goals, meticulously crafted to align with their unique business objectives. These goals served as a practical roadmap, guiding each business towards sustainable growth in the digital era.
A Tailored Experience for Diverse Needs
The Grow Digital ASEAN post-pilot workshop in Cavite transcended a one-size-fits-all approach, offering a tailored experience for businesses with diverse needs. This personalized approach ensured that each participant gained the most valuable insights and takeaways relevant to their specific business context.
A Catalyst for Collective Growth
As MSME learners implement their newly acquired strategies, the impact will extend far beyond their individual enterprises. It will contribute to the collective growth of the region's entrepreneurial landscape, demonstrating the transformative power of adopting sustainable initiatives with digital education and mentorship. The seeds sown in Cavite are poised to blossom into a flourishing garden of digital success stories for ASEAN entrepreneurs.
The Grow Digital ASEAN initiative stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for Filipino entrepreneurs, empowering them to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and achieve their dreams of success. With its commitment to providing personalized support and fostering a collaborative learning environment, Grow Digital ASEAN is poised to revolutionize the digital landscape of the ASEAN region, one entrepreneur at a time.
About Go Digital ASEAN
Grow Digital is part of the larger Go Digital ASEAN Program which seeks to provide mentorship and hands on training opportunities to MSMEs.

The Go Digital ASEAN initiative broadens digital skills participation across the region, reaching individuals and communities with the most to gain from digital literacy—from farmers and home-based handicrafts producers to small-scale hotels, restaurants, and shops.

Endorsed by the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME), the project is implemented by The Asia Foundation with funding from Google.org, Google’s philanthropic arm.